Going Dark by Neil Lancaster

Going DarkMy guilty reading please has always been action/political/thriller sort of books.  I can devour a Jeffrey Archer and particularly a Lee Child book in a couple of days.  I’m happy to say I’ve got another author and character whose exploits I will be following, hopefully, over quite a few books – one Tom Novak, a Bosnian/British ex-Marine and now Met Police officer.  His first novel, Going Dark, I bought after listening to Mr Lancaster on the Writers Routine Podcast  (@writerspod – definitely recommend this podcast by the way).  The way he described Tom Novak reminded me of Jack Reacher and it seemed to tick every box of the sort of fiction I love to read.  I did not disappoint.  I was engrossed in it from the very first chapter.  The characterisation is fantastic and the expert knowledge displayed, from the weaponry, surveillance techniques is outstanding.

I don’t intend giving any spoilers in this review but effectively Tom Novak is involved in an undercover operation involved in trying to bring to justice some rather grisly Serbian mafia characters (with links back to Novak’s childhood in Bosnia) and a corrupt lawyer involved in sham marriages and human trafficking.

The best recommendation I can give it is that as soon as I finished it I’ve ordered the 2nd book in the series – Going Rogue – and cannot wait to read this.  I hope these are the 1st and 2nd in a long series.  Going Dark is definitely the sort of book I can see being turned into a blockbuster movie.

If you like action, page turning, political thriller sort of books, this is definitely one for you.  Buy the book from Amazon by clicking this link.

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